Why do cats scratch

We'll talk about why cats scratch the boyfriend or anyone Bazafarha
Cat Scratch Disease

Is a disease afford kittens . More big cats .

And of course it causes

. The bacteria causing him called PERUANA .

. These bacteria and up to the cat by fleas that infect cats

, And when the cat carrying the microbe and then scratch the man

In this way,
 Transmitted the infection to humans ,

 The symptoms of the disease in humans is in the swollen lymph nodes and sometimes heated .

. And treated with antibiotics .. It is not dangerous for people with immune sound

.. But it may be very dangerous if the human immunity is weak

 It is also advised to wash thoroughly with water scratching place

, Cleanses and some disinfectants such as alcohol swabs or Alsavlon

, And placed on the place antibiotic ointment such as ointment Allbecktroban


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