How to deal with cats

What are the qualities of cats and nature add up to those reared

- Dealing with cats :

- Behavior , cats may differ somewhat from other pets in that they prefer to spend most of her time in

Relax and rest and sleep ... But they also need to be some time in the day to practice the movement , but at least the time .

- Demonstrate the cat ,

If you want to cosseting you filed your arms put a hand under her chest and the other on the rear legs ... Do not try to never be removed from the neck or the front of her body.
- Fertilization , fertility period when cats from 3-4 times a year and each time put up to six cats and kittens remain inherent to her mother for at least eight weeks.

- Neutering , to prevent the proliferation of cats are increasingly T_khasatha at an early age to know the vet .

- The language of movements when the cats :

Not limited to the language in those words directed by the human mouth , whether used in a continuous or separately , " any one word single " audibly , but multiple forms of language and patterns of the language of the eyes ... And sign language ... The language of movements ... We find that the last common among living organisms from animals , which are highly expressive language and there is a translation that no one can understand us . It will be the first example is our cats.

- When the tail wagging the dog , understood that the dog friendly at the moment and can approach it without fear .
- And vice versa for the cat, and means have to be careful not to touch them , A cat crafty and tricky and difficult for anyone to understand when to be friendly sincere and when to be perfidious cunning - although the behavior acquired from education you give them that understanding over time , it is issued signals and subtle gestures can not see such a simple change in the mustache or tail movements could mean a lot in addition to purr sound that issued Pussy .

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