Important information about African Ostrich

Important information about African Ostrich
Because it is quite different from other types of ostriches

Is a kind of bird belonging to the family of sprinter Alanaamyat the largest live birds so far .

The average length of the African ostrich 2.50 m and weighs 130 kg (150 kg maximum) , and the male ostrich is heavier and larger

A bird in the whole world . Ostrich like the rest of the African ostrich has a huge body , backed by large and powerful legs that used in

The enemy , and topped with a long neck , which ends with a small , bare legs . Skin color is different from the rest of the species , the eyes

African ostrich large compared to her head and decorated Bermh long . Ostrich has only two fingers in a men

Only in a range of birds and no claws out .

Male feathers come in black with the end of the wings and tail black , while the female Fallon irrigated with very
African ostrich exist in most African territory butpale gray

Little bit of white in the wings.


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