Eye diseases and treatment of dogs

Everyone knows that the problems of inflammation of the eye is impressive and a sign of the seriousness and danger of coming to the dog may be caused by a viral infection or chronic inflammation
May lead to cataracts and blindness

Red-eye is inflammation in or around the eye .

This is usually due to excess blood in the eyelids or in the blood vessels of the eyes .

The reasons that lead to these problems are:
1 - bacterial infection
2 - damage caused by exposure to sunlight
3 - inflammation of the skin
4 - fungal infection

One of the most common problems are cataracts .

Cataracts are white cloud in the lenses

Eye impede vision or cause complete blindness , and of course exemplary treatment is surgical removal .

Do you clean the place firsthand dog a week and change the sand and cleaned on a regular basis , as well as water as you

Thbllha securing a sponge with water and wash the eyes Duffy wipe daily Troish

Continuously in summer and once a week in winter and not to be neglected the health and well-being

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